Other, "non 22 shruti" instruments are either required to be tuned by Ear every time they are played, and/or, they require an exceptional skill to play correct notes consistently.
As against this, the 22-Shruti-Harmonium is tuned with the help of a Synthesizer which gives accurate notes, and there is no need of tuning every time it is played.
Further, in anyone's hand, the keys in the 22-Shruti-Harmonium would always produce the tuned accurate note.
It can be said on a lighter tone that, in the race of musical instruments, traditional Harmonium was the last; and now the 22-Shruti-Harmonium has overtaken all the instruments like a horse coming ahead from behind in a horce-race, and now should be leading from the front.

Comparison of 22-Shruti-Harmonium (22-SH) with other instruments
I am looking forward to purchase 22 shruti harmonium. Can you please suggest a place in Bangalore from where I can purchase or any online platform